JJ hits hard at team Merc
Cold, dark and damp Melbourne weather blanketed the Doncaster Hills circuit this morning. Deep in the valley of Eltham, a gentle snore could be heard with the distinct resonance of "sooofffftttt". Distant echoes of "my knee", "too early" and "I need a single speed" came from South Yarra, Brighton and Kew. This was going to be a day only for the "strong men".
They stuck together, with relaxed chatter about ACL's, DNS's, CCNA. No one can even remember who got the first hill point. There was no talk of cutting Doncaster short, at least no discussion, they just cut it short because that was best.
So it went until the final sprint, Michael came up along the side of JJ who was out in front over the bridge. It was neck and neck. Michael turned to Joel to warn him of the car about to turn right across the sprint line. JJ slammed on the breaks but it was too late. It seemed the silver Mercedes slowed and then moved on again. JJ locked up in front, back wheel went up, Michael right next to him saw JJ rise to a peak as he flew in the air, at the apex he almost stopped, as if to readjust his helmet out of the way, take aim and swoop down hard with the left side of his face just above the rear wheel arch.
Ahh the crumpling of Germen engineered metal makes a big noise. JJ hit team Merc hard but team Merc managed to continue its maneuver of turning right. Joel got up, took off his unscathed helmet, went to the side of the road and sat down with his head in his hands. He knew it was all over, no sprint points for him today.
Ash and Michael carried on like a pack of sheilas about getting taxis, doctors, ambulances, driver details, etc. Joel looked up at both of them, in the manner of an employee of the month and said "I need to be at telecoX at 9:30, lets go". Real tough men.
posted by veggiedogs @ 7:55 AM

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