hairy leg brigade

A bunch of bike riders who worship the journey and the coffee at the end more then their cycling image, some of them even have beards!

Monday, January 15, 2007

Still Riding, Probably more then ever

The less blog posts, the more riding, that is the formula. As one of the guys got some photos from one of our last rides, I thought I would throw together a couple of words and a posting just to remind me of what we have been up to.

We have been trying out sportz legs and other performance enhancing drugs but it seems that none of them make any of the team perform better. The closeset I have come is using sustegen (chocolate milk flavouring) mixed with milk as a recovery drink after which I feel much better to ride the follwing day. Alex is about to start after judging by the way he looks after riding "The Full Monty" up inverness Road to the top of Sky High on Mt Dandenong.

Otherwise it is the usual Tuesday and/or Thursday morning "North Road" rides and some extra riding inbetween. The Alpine classic is comming up so our training is switching to a few more hills. Hopefully some photos of the classic by the end of the month.

I may as well mention some off the bike discractionsThen there are some DVD's that need to be on my christmas list for this year
  • Pedal about New York bike messangers (gets a bad wrap on amazon though?)
  • Tour Baby by big ring films (amazon)
  • Cobbles Baby also by big ring films (amazon)
  • and a camera attachment to make my own on the bike movie starting with "7 days striaght" riding every day for a week.
  • The last 2 being low budget amateur documetaries, here is one from the Aussies "Tour de France", DVD to come out soon.
  • On a sombre note, do "ghost bikes" (memorialiaing killed cyclists) help or hinder the cycling cause? this article indicates that it may discourage cyclists from riding and the less cyclists ride the more likely they are to be hit. ie. more cyclists on the road means more awarness, means less accidents per cycling population. Ghost bikes may put people off riding.

till next time


posted by veggiedogs @ 8:34 AM  0 comments