hairy leg brigade

A bunch of bike riders who worship the journey and the coffee at the end more then their cycling image, some of them even have beards!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

3 call it quits to Williamsons road

Well, Well what can I say,
we all wanted out and so we prayed.

I told Joel I did not want to ride,
the extra hill called Williamsons slide.

Joel told me that he also agreed,
he had nothing in him to ride up with speed.

I told Alex what Joel had said,
Alex told me that he agreed.

But when it came to the turn off for real,
Alex changed lanes and sped up his wheels.

He was still going to ride,
the extra hill called Williamsons slide.

I waved and yelled, pump in the air poking,
he turned his head and said he was joking.

we all called "soft" against the cyclists code,
and so we called quits on Williamsons road.


posted by veggiedogs @ 7:33 AM 


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