Sprinting and breaking wheels
Last Sunday's ride cost everyone dearly with a lot of sprinting. The group was strong with 6 starters. It was meant to be the much anticipated start of our new domestique Tony. Unfortunately he caught Friday night fever and was still recovering. Maybe this Sunday Tony?
Our team had an upset in only the second kilometer with Richard reporting a loose screw in his cleat. The team waited to make sure that Richard did not just give up and overdose on coffee's waiting for us. In no time the "team car" sorted Richard's cleat out and we were off. Our mission was to catch that far off group in front, you know the one, sitting on 35km/h but with such a wind break that you do not even need to pedal to keep on the back. Needless to say we never caught such a group. This could have been due to Damian and the rest sitting at the back trying to preserve legs for the Mordialloc sprints.
And the sprints did come, as early as black rock. Most of it was just playing bluff. Someone going off the front just to check if anyone would bite with a chase. Towards the business end of the ride we all stuck behind someone else just waiting for that last hill before the flat to the Mordialloc pier. It was all on, 43km/h up the last hill was the last turn for Ralph. As the hill was crested Damian and Michael got a gap out front. It was still a long way to go so they played a little cat and mouse. Then from nowhere came the click, click, click of Joel, pulled across the gap by Richard. A whirr of wheels crossed the line. We were all within seconds of each other, we all enjoyed the ride.
Later in the week it was morning hill ride. Even before the first hill Michael ripped a spoke clear taking a bit of rim with it. looks like Andy's secret training on Tuesday had paid off.
posted by veggiedogs @ 9:50 AM

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