A hill for everyone
Well almost, there was just too many riders that turned out at 5 to 6 am for the morning "tour of the suburbs" ride. Bike lights were flashing and it was off up the first rolling hill. Up in the sky the waning crescent of the moon next to a bright Venus lead the way to the first climb of the day.
A little bit of jostling for position and they started up the hill to Doncaster Shops. Damian was out the front with Joel, Michael just watching who was going to make a move, Andy was just happy to be out riding. As the three leaders reached the crest of the first part of the climb, Damian put down the hammer and teasingly left Joel behind shaking his head.
Michael stayed on Damian's wheel and did not move up on the flat section. Damian brought the speed down to try and judge the next move of his companion, but Michael just stayed in his shadow, looking down to see just how many gears he had left. Damian took a few deep breaths to control his breathing and asked "what is that over there?". Michael tried hard not to show how hard he was working and answered "the golf course" followed by some deep breathing. Damian was on his lowest gear as the 2 riders reached the bottom of the next steep section. Michael was away and the Doncaster hill was his.
The riders regrouped and it was off down Williams Road. A couple of sets of traffic lights and then a steep downhill followed by the steepest up hill of the day. Michael lead the group out with everyone hiding in his wind break. Just as the hill turned towards the sky, Michael clunked into a lower gear and this was the time for Damian and Joel to attack. Damian took a clear lead at the top.
The next section of road allowed for a bit of speeding with Michael hitting 86 km/h. The riders regrouped and started talking up the handicap settings for the final ascent. Damian said
"I'm knackered" the others translated this as
"I am so bloody ready for the next hill after my unmistakable win on the last mountain where I had to have both brakes on just to stop me from flying out into space"
and so the handicap was set, Andy to go at 90 seconds, Joel to follow at 60, Damian at 20 and Michael at scratch. Michael and Damian leveled at the last lights which held them back a bit but still they could not catch a powerful Joel who took the win clearyl with over 10 seconds on scratch, that is 10 seconds better then the previous 2 weeks.
The sun rose and the riders rolled down the last few hills. It was a good ride had by all. The group split up with the riders all heading for their favourite shower spots. Andy may have even managed to get home in time to have breakfast with his kids.
posted by veggiedogs @ 7:33 AM

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