The hairy leg brigade
Is that not all men? well not when you judge your manliness by how fast you can propel yourself on 2 wheels. Why cyclist's shave their legs is a mystery to me as well, is it for aero dynamics, for recovering from gravel rash in one of those classic Tour de France spills, or for the massage at the end of the ride. I would most agree with the massage but as I have no one to give me one I choose to cycle 'al natural', in God's image (Genesis 1:27), with my hair on my legs.
What about women, well they were created with hair on their legs. Let them ride hairy legged for it is good too.
What of this brigade then? you may ask. They were created through the confluence of a great advertising empire, a nurturing bosom which is their life blood, at the least it pays the bills even if it will not clad the brigade in a uniform :( . This brigade shall ride forth on weekends, and some week days, as long as the weather is good, and each ride shall have a coffee break. We see this is good, so we shall keep doing this. And if you happen to meet us on the trail or road, say hi and hammer just a little bit faster.
posted by veggiedogs @ 11:01 AM

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